
People Driven Innovation

Idea- & Innovation management

In order to remain innovative as an organization, the creative ideas of employees are crucial. But how do you actually source and identify the right, most useful contributions that lead to meaningful innovation? And how do you make your employees enthusiastic to not only submit their own ideas, but also to help improve the ideas of colleagues?


The answer lies in the concept of idea- and  innovation management.

The first phase of innovation management focuses on idea management: the discipline to collect and assess the ideas of employees and others (such as customers, suppliers, governments and universities). After the best ideas have been identified, it is important to improve those ideas using the right methodologies and to develop them into achievable solutions with impact.

By putting strong focus on the main challenge and question, creative thinking and co-creation, better results are achieved. We teach this and more during: advisory sessions, workshops and lectures on idea- & innovation management. Collaborative innovation, driven by people, is always the starting point. By motivating, inspiring, involving and training in the right way we achieve the most beautiful results together.

Tools & Methods

For idea- & Innovation Management courses

Online innovation campaigns are a proven and increasingly popular way to involve employees and / or external stakeholders in innovation. Through these campaigns, challenging issues or ambitions are presented to large groups of people, spread over several locations. 


By asking the right question, setting the correct target groups and selection criteria, and using proper motivation techniques for involving people, relevant ideas and other input can be identified!


RiverStoneBlue can train innovation teams in the use of these tools, but also facilitate the entire process by conducting the SuCCeSS key interview and the Campaign Canvas workshop.

"Roel did an amazing work during the 2-day training he deployed in Gemalto about how to infuse Innovation within the company and design ideation campaigns to maximize their results. He openly shared his experience and provided many tips and materials to help participants. The sessions were very dynamic and all participants found it very useful. Roel is an excellent coach with a valuable record on innovation management. Thanks Roel!"
Romina Stroeymeyte
Romina Stroeymeyte